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Dr. N. Nagamalleswara Rao, Professor & HoD


Dr. N. Nagamalleswara Rao
Professor & HoD

Education Qualifications: Ph.D. (2013), Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, India.
M.E. (1991), Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, U. P., India.
B.Tech., (1988), Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla, Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of Specialization: Image Processing & Pattern Recogntion
Research Interests: Image Processing, Pattern Recogntion, and Deeplearning
Number of Ph.D.'s Guiding: 6
Number of Ph.D.'s Awarded: 6
Number of Papers Published: 43 (Journals: 36 & Conferences: 7)
Membership in Scientific and
Professional Societies:
Life Member in CSI & ISTE
Date of Joining: 10th October 2012
Subjects Handled: Artificial Intelligence, Automata Theory & Formal Languages, Compiler Design, Web Technologies, Advanced Java Programming, Data Structures, Web Services, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Enterprise Programming, Digital Logic Design, Computer Organization, Obbect Oriented Programming(C++/Java/Python), C-Programming..

Member of Committees/Bodies:

  • Chairman of Board of Studies, Department of CSE (IoT), RVR&JCCE
  • Member of Board of Studies, Department of IT, RVR&JCCE
  • Member of Board of Studies, Department of CSBS, RVR&JCCE

Patents (Published: 4)

Sl. No. Patent Title Applicant's/
Inventor's Name
Country Name Patent Application No. Term of Patent Date of Filing Date of Publication Status
1 Constructing Dynamic Clustering RDF Datasets Using Query Provenance in Linked Data. Dr. N. Naga Malleswara Rao India 202041056720 -- 28/12/2020 15/01/2021 Published
3 AUGMENTED REALITY BASED PERSONALIZED SMART DIET ASSISTANCE SYSTEM Dr. N. Naga Malleswara Rao India 202041024942 -- 13-06-2020 19-06-2020 Published
4 I-SWITCH: INTELLIGENT SWITCH USING IR RECEIVER AND IR TRANSMITTER Dr. N. Naga Malleswara Rao India 201921005023 -- 08-02-2019 07-06-2019 Published
5 Method and System for Dynamic Resource Allocation and Load Balancing for Energy-Efficient IoT Networks Dr. N. Naga Malleswara Rao India 202341076765 A -- 09/11/2023 22/12/2023 Published

International/National Journal Publications: (Scopus-27, Web of Science-2, UGC-11)

  1. Saileela P, V.R.N.S.S.V., Naga Malleswara Rao N, "Feature selection by sentiment lexicons and phrase concurrence finess (SLPCF) for opinion mining", Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 10 (5 Special Issue), pp.725-735(Scopus)
  2. Vanathi, A., Naga Malleswara Rao, N., Naga Subrahmanyeswari, N., Lakshmi, P.N.S., "Characteristics diagnosis of white blood cells using CNN", Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(9), pp. 1109-1113(Scopus)
  3. A. Vanathi, Dr. N. Nagamalleswara Rao, "An Approach to Support for Data Aggregation to Reduce the Hot Spot Problem", International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol x, Issue x, 20 Dec 2020, ISSN: 1943-023X, pg no: 498-503Scopus)
  4. M. Sreerama Murthy, Dr. N. Nagamalleswara Rao, "Loading, Searching and retrieving data from local data nodes on HDFS", International Journal of Data Science, Vol 5, Issue 01, 2020, ISSN 22778616(Scopus)
  5. M. Sreerama Murthy, Dr. N. Nagamalleswara Rao, "An Efficient Provenance Extension Relational Model For Linked Data Storage", International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Vol 9, Issue 04, APRIL 2020, ISSN 22778616(Scopus)
  6. Subhani Shaik, Nallamothu Naga Malleswara Rao, "Improved Elastic Search and Efficient Duplicate Data Detection And Removal Using Ensemble Big Data Algorithms", International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, vol 9, issue 2 pp 3011-3014, Feb 2020, ISSN 2277-8616(Scopus)
  7. Subhani Shaik, Nallamothu Naga Malleswara Rao, "Performance Analysis of Elastic Search Technique in Identification and Removal of Duplicate Data", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering(IJITEE), Vol-8 issue-10 pp 2401-2405, August 2019, ISSN: 2278-3075(Scopus)
  8. Sreerama Murty, M., Nagamalleswara Rao, N., "An extended native RDF for provenance-enabled queries in linked data", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, ISSN: 2249-8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019(Scopus)
  9. Nagaraju, P., Nagamalleswara Rao, N., "Obfuscation techniques in cloud computing: A systematic survey", International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, VOLUME 8, ISSUE 10, OCTOBER 2019, ISSN 2277-8616(Scopus)
  10. Purnachandra Rao, B., Nagamalleswara Rao, N., "HDFS logfile analysis using elasticsearch, LogStash and Kibana", Studies in Computational Intelligence Volume 771, 2019, Pages 185-191, ISSN:1860949X, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-8797-4_20(Scopus, Web of Science)
  11. Boyapati, P., Rao, N.N., "Intuitionistic neutro soft rough sets and classical regression model for brain image segmentation", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering Volume 7, Issue 5, February 2019, Pages 295-300, ISSN: 22773878(Scopus)
  12. Subhani Shaik, Dr.N.Naga Malleswara Rao, "Identification of Redundant Shards in the textual context Using Quality Assortment Algorithm in Elastic Search", Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 01-Regular Issue, 2018, ISSN: 1943023X(Scopus, UGC)
  13. SK Subhani, Dr. N.Nagamalleswara Rao, "Removal of semi-duplicated and fully duplicate shards using hadoop techniques for elastic search" International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, ISSN: 2249-8958 Volume 8, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 529-533(Scopus)
  14. Garikapati, V., N.Naga Malleswara Rao, "Secured cluster based distributed fault diagnosis routing for MANET", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN: 2278-3075 Volume 8, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 701-705(Scopus, UGC)
  15. Prasanthi, B., Nagamalleswararao, N., "Optimal kernel based neutrosophic soft sets clustering for image segmentation based on pareto optimal algorithm", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering Volume 8, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 582-591 ISSN:22783075(Scopus)
  16. G.Lalitha Kumari, Dr.N.Nagamalleswara Rao, "Hybridization of PSO-ABC Based Ensemble Classification Model for High Dimensional Medical Datasets", International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology, DOI 10.5013/IJSSST.a.19.06.02 ISSN: 1473-804x online, 1473-8031 Vol-19/No-6. Pages: 2.1-2.7(Scopus, UGC)
  17. B.Sivalakshmi, Dr.N.Nagamalleswara Rao, "Microarray Image Analysis using k-means Clustering Algorithm" International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.6, No.12, December 2018 E-ISSN: 2321-9637(Scopus, Web of Science, UGC)
  18. Dr.N.Nagamalleswara Rao, B.Prasanthi, "Enhanced and Explored Intuitionistic Rough Based Fuzzy C-means Approach for MR Brain Image Segmentation" International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (3.12) (2018) 73-80, 10.14419/ijet.v7i3.12.15866, ISSN: 2227-524X(Scopus, UGC)
  19. Dr.N.Nagamalleswara Rao, B.Prasanthi, "Modified Rough Intuitionist Fuzzy C-means for MR Brain Image Segmentation", Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, ISSN: 1943023X, Volume 10, Issue 4 Special Issue, 2018, Pages 1384-1399(Scopus, UGC)
  20. Dr.N.Nagamalleswara Rao, Purnachandra Rao B, "HDFS Pipeline Reconstruction to Avoid Data Loss", DOI 10.5013/IJSSST.a.19.06.05 ISSN: 1473-804x online, 1473-8031, Volume 19, Issue 6, 1 December 2018, Pages 5.1-5.8(Scopus, UGC)
  21. Subhani Shaik, Dr.N.Naga Melleswara Rao, "A pragmatic review of data cleaning models and using elastic search shards for removing duplicate data", International journal for research in applied science and Engineering Technology(IJRASET), April-2018, vo-6, issue-4, ISSN NO: 2321-9653, PP NO: 3406-3414 DOI: 10.22214/ijraset
  22. Lalitha Kumari, Dr.N.Naga Malleswara Rao "An analysis of heart disease prediction using swarm intelligence algorithms", International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET), Feb-2018, Vol-9, Issue-3, ISSN NO:2319-1058, PP NO: 081-087
  23. B.Purnachandra Rao, Dr.N.Naga Malleswara Rao, "HDFS Cache Performance Using SET Associateive Cache Memory", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, ISSN:1992-8645, Vol.95 No.16, August 2017.(Scopus, UGC)
  24. B.Purnachandra Rao, Dr.N.Naga Malleswara Rao, "HDFS Intra-DataNode Disk Balancer using Dynamic Programming", International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences (IJCMS) ISSN 2347-8527 Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2017.
  25. B.Purnachandra Rao, Dr.N.Naga Malleswara Rao, "HDFS Write Operation Using Fully Connected Digraph Datanode Network Topology", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, No.16 (2017), PP.6076-6090.(Scopus, UGC)
  26. B.Purnachandra Rao, Dr.N.Naga Malleswara Rao, "HDFS Fair Scheduler Preemption for Pending Request", International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science (IJIACS), ISSN 2347-8616, Volume 6, Issue 9, September 2017.
  27. G.Lalitha Kumari and Dr.N.Naga Malleswara Rao, "An Efficient PSO Based Ensemble Classification Model on High Dimensional Datasets", International Journal on Soft Computing(IJSC), Vol. 8, 3/4, DOI: 10.5121/ijsc.2017.8401, November 2017, 2229-7103(p), 2229-6735(o)
  28. Dr.N.Naga Malleswara Rao, Subhani Shaik "Identification and eradication of duplicate and invalid data in textual context in datasets", International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, ISSN: 2455-3778
  29. Dr.N.Naga Malleswara Rao, Subhani Shaik "Enhancement of searching and analyzing the document using elastic search", International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Nov-2017, Vol-4, Issue-11, e-ISSN NO: 2395-0056, p-ISSN NO: 2395-0072, PP NO: 1816-1822
  30. Dr.N.Naga Malleswara Rao, G. Lalitha Kumari, "An efficient ABC based optimized ensemble classification model on high dimensional datasets", Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, ISSN: 1943-023X, Volume 9, Issue Special Issue 18, 2017, Pages 107-121(Scopus, UGC)
  31. B.Sivalakshmi, Dr.N.Naga Malleswara Rao, "Microarray Image Analysis Using Genetic Algorithm", Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol. 4, No. 3, December 2016, pp. 561 ~567 DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v4.i3.pp 561-567.p-ISSN: 2502-4752, e-ISSN: 2502-4760(Scopus)
  32. N.Naga Malleswara Rao, O.Nagaraju, I.Ramesh babu, "Direct Heuristic Algorithm for Linear programming", International journal of computer Science and Network(IJCSN), pp.32-42, vol 2, Issue 4, August 2013, ISSN: 2277-5420
  33. N.Naga Malleswara Rao, Y.Rajesh, "Space efficient suffix Array Construction using Induced sorting LMS Substrings", International Journal of Information Sciences and Techniques Vol.3, No.4, July 2013, ISSN:2319-409X(p) 2249-1139(o)
  34. N.Naga Malleswara Rao, O.Nagaraju, I.Ramesh Babu, "Modified Heuristic Time Deviation Technique for Job Sequencing and Computation of Minimum Total Elapsed Time", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology(IJCSIT), pp 67-77, Vol.5, No.3, June 2013, ISSN:0975-9646
  35. N.Naga Malleswara Rao, O.Nagaraju, Prof. I.Ramesh Babu, "An efficient Algorithm for multi-objective shortest path problem", International of journal of computer science and information technology Vol-2 February -2013, ISSN: 0975-9646
  36. Sri N.Naga Malleswara Rao, Prof P.Thrimurthy, Dr.B.Raveendra Babu "A Novel Scheme for Digital Rights Management of Images using Biometrics", IJCNS, March 30, 29, PP-157-167 vol.no.9, No.3 March,2009. ISSN -1738-7906.

Conference Publications: (Scopus: 7)

  1. B.Purnachandra Rao and N. Nagamalleswara Rao, "HDFS Pipeline Reformation to Minimize the Data Loss", Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1927-3_27, ISSN: 21903018, Volume 105, 2019, Pages 259-266(Scopus)
  2. SivaLakshmi, B., Nagamalleswara Rao, N., "Microarray analysis using multiple feature data clustering algorithms", Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1927-3_50, ISSN: 21903018, Volume 105, 2019, Pages 469-476(Scopus)
  3. Garikipati, V., Naga Malleswara Rao, N., "Secured cluster-based distributed fault diagnosis routing for MANET", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-3600-3_4, 978-981-13-3600-3 Volume 900, 2019, Pages 35-51 ISSN:21945357(Scopus)
  4. B.PURNACHANDRA RAO, Dr.N.NAGAMALLESWARA RAO, "HDFS Memory Usage Analysis", Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI 2017)IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number: CFP17L34-ART, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4031-9
  5. D.V.N Sukanya, N.Nagamalleswra Rao "A robust Scheme for copy right protection of digital images using self reference images" In proceedings of International Journal of Data Modelling and Knowledge Management Vol 2 No.1, pp 23-27, Jan-2012.
  6. D.Nagesh Babu, D.V.N Sukanya, N.Nagamalleswara Rao "A Robust full-reference Color Image Quality Measure using Discrete Cosine Transform" In proceedings of International Journal of Data Modelling and Knowledge Management Vol 2 No.1, pp 17-21, Jan-2012.
  7. N. Nagamalleswara Rao, Prof. P. Thrimurthy, Dr. B. Raveendra Babu, Proceedings of 2009 2nd IEEE ICCSIT 2009, "An Efficient copy right Protecton Scheme for Digital images using Biometrics and Watermarking" PP, 1-6,Volume 3, section 21 ICCSIT, August 8-11, 2009, Beijing, China.